segunda-feira, 3 de agosto de 2009


Today, I want to talk about a very especial person, her name is Sofia. She is my sister-in-law’s cousin, she is 1 year and two months old.
Sofia was born premature of 7 months on May 16th 2008. She stayed in Hospital for one month and after she got home, she had to stay inside house for two months. Everyone was worried about her. Sofia is very small, the reason now you know. She can not walk or talk yet, her mom have to take her to Hospital once a month, there are a lot of kinds of food which are forbidden to her, we all need to be careful with her because her health is very fragile. She has a problem in her lung, so if one of us have the flu, for exemple, we can not take her. She loves chocolate but she can not eat it every day. So, sometimes when she sees another person eating something that she can not, we need to call her attention to other things and offer something else for her.
In spite of all this things, she is a very happy child. She loves laughing. When we talk to her, she laughs, when we play with her, she laughs, even when she is sleepy, she laughs. That is incredible!!!
On Saturday afternoon, she went to may mom’s house with my sister-in-low and we played a lot. And people, guess what she did all time…yes, laughed. She is really very especial. She does not care where she is or who is with her, she wants to play, to clap and sing. But, looking at her we know that, among all, she loves living.
She is a heroine.
In this picture, she is with my mom.

6 comentários:

  1. Hi, Evelise! Her eyes are blue. She is very beautiful and she is laughing.
    I miss when my sister was a little child. This moment is very incredible but it passes so fast.
    Enjoy this moment. First words, first steps...everything is for first time.

  2. Hi Evelise!
    Ohhhh she is very beutiful! How cute! And what about her eyes! God, they're so blue! And she is laughing!
    My sister has a baby, but she lives far from here, so I can't see them very often! But I'd really like to be with them to see the first steps e to learn something... Because I really want to have about four children! Yes! Four!! Heheheh
    Kisses! She is really special!

  3. Hi Evelise!
    How cute she is! We were born in the same day and I always think about when I have a daughter, I'll put this name Sophia on her, it's really beautiful and it matches with your sister-in-law's cousin. She's really special Evelise, a child like her is a bless for the family.
    And your text is really good too! Kisses :*

  4. Oh she's beautiful!!!!!
    She really is!!!
    I don't know if you know but I JUST LOVE BABIES!!
    She remains me my little friend Isabela who is a year old now.
    Now that I saw Sofia's picture I start missing Bella.

    Eve you really looks like your mother.
    Very nice text I trutly think that we're all improving our writing skills.


  5. Wow Eve!
    That's an incredible post!! Sofia is incredible too!
    I think her companie is great! People who likes laughing are very good companie! :D
    I'm so sorry for her problems, but I feel happy because she can overcome it and be happy!
    Congratulatios for you all for helping her in all the senses :)
    Give a hug mine in her!! God bless her!

  6. Hi Evelise!!!
    I think that Sofia is a heroine too.
    Anyone imagine that little girl, that was in hospital, is today this beautiful girl.
    I think her parents are very happy people, because a child is a God’s gift.
    Kisses Aline
