segunda-feira, 27 de julho de 2009

Pregnancy in the adolescence

One of four girls who live in the Latin America had already been pregnancy once in their life. Around 25% of Latin-American girls ,with less of 20 years old, had already got pregnant. This rate is only exceeding for African girls.
The study, who relate pregnancy in the adolescence with poverty and “desigualdade” of type shows that 5% of girls with bigger rental had already made births, against 30% of layer poorer of population. The report shows one alert: a lot of girls who gets pregnant “precociously” abandon the school and compromise their professional life, broadening the “desigualdade”.
Because these reasons this problem can not be ignored by public power. Besides, sometimes they have had children not wished, the teenage pregnants often commit her own formation and future, apart from sometimes built clumsy families and show don't able to give a solid education for their children.
This problem builts a vicious circle in that all involved are loser, including the country.
The social programmes can not forget this problem. The appropriate information, the “distribute” of “métodos contraceptivos” and the awareness to the responsibility to be father and mother have to be subject to be think and re-think with the parents and the school.
Do you agree with this study??
By Aline

7 comentários:

  1. Hi, Aline!! Good suject to open a discussion.
    I think teenagers live the moment and forget what can happen after this moment.
    Other important thing to say is: mother and father need to pay attention in their sons, that's, to talk and to advice them.

  2. Very good post Aline!!
    This is a crazy world and everything is differente now, I'm 20 years old and I don't think about having children, but some girls don't think like me. Many things are making a difference now.

    Kissessss Girl!! :)

  3. Hello Aline!
    I agree with you. It's a really big problem. It's very hard to have a baby when you don't have money even for yourself. And it's really impossible to keep on studying if you can't leave your baby with someone.
    The Governament should think about it. They could create schools for babys when their mothers are studying. Or something like little. I know it's not that easy, but we have to do something!
    Important subject! Kisses!

  4. Hi Aline!!!
    Your subject is very important to us, future teachers. We are goig to teach teenagers and this is a kind of problem which we probably will face in our class or school. Are we able to deal with it? As you said in your post, the pregnancy compromises the teenager future, her family future and structure. This is a familiar and a social problem which involves education and guidance. The information is the main important thing we all have to face the problem.

  5. Hello Aline,
    I see your point.
    You scared me when I read that 25% of latin girls are already mothers. It's really really schoking specially because we're going to deal with this situation at work -in our future work- to have pregnant students and it seems to me that the only help we can give is to give information.


  6. Hii Aline!!
    Well, unfortunately this is true. A lot of adolescents are becoming pregnant for being irresponsable.
    Usually when I go to the Health Center of Bom Jesus I see many young pregnant girls, some of them already are holding a baby and generating another!
    This is sad and worrisome =/
    This kind of post is always welcome..

  7. Hi Aline!
    I agree with everybody!
    The fathers and mothers have to pay attention because the schools don't teach anything about it and the kids talk about it all the time! They need more informations about prevention.

    Nice text!
    kisses ;) ju
