segunda-feira, 20 de julho de 2009


She was the yougest child of King Henry VIII. He had this child with his second wife, Ana Bolena. Elizabeth was a half sister of the others Henry’s childrem. After King Henry’s death, her son Edward VI ruled for some years until his death. Elizabeth’s sister, Mary was the next to rule. She was Catholic and Elizabeth was Protestant and because of this, the Catholic Church pressed Mary to have an heir, but she never got pregnant. In this time, Protestants were considered enemies of England country and burned to death.The government and the Catholic Church were worried about the Queen’s successor because they did not want a Protestant to rule England. Queen Mary was very ill and in a short time she died. Elizabeth was nominated the new Queen of England. With her crown, she received a lot of problems and enemies too. They tried to kill her with poison. Some people who worked with her told that she neded to get married and to have an heir to be safe. France and Spain’s governments proposed her a marriage but she refused. She was in love with a man considered inappropriated to be her husband. Later, she discovered he was already married. Than, she decided to be alone and to devote herself to England. So, with help of some advisors who she learned to know and trust, she faced the problems of her country and defeated the enemies. She ruled for 40 years end her reign is known as the Gold Age of England. Elizabeth is known as “The Virgin”.
By Evelise

6 comentários:

  1. Hello Eve!!
    Very good post, I loved!!!
    I don't know much things about Queen Elizabeth, but I know something about her reign, because the history classes, I want to see the movie that talks abou her life. Very nice Eve!!!

    Kissesss see you!!! :)

  2. Hi Evelise,
    very nice post.
    I didn't know about that.
    I don't knoe if I told you but if I wasn't taking an English course I'd probably will be studying History.
    I really liked.
    I didn't watch the movie but I want to watch it. I don't know this actress name but I've already wacthed some movies she acted and she's good.


  3. Hi, Evelise!!
    I really liked your post because I did not know these informations.
    I intend to watch this movie and with it, I will know more things about this powerful woman.

  4. Hi girls!!!
    Aline, the name of the actrees is Cate Blanchett. She is a very good actress. she played "the courious case of Benjamim Button", "babel" and others.

  5. Hi Evelise!
    Maybe we should try a female president in Brazil. What do you think?
    Kiss Kiss
    Carla Antunes

  6. Hi Evelise!!!
    Elizabeth had had a sad story. I think,of course, because she had had some enemies and her emocial life wasn't stable .
    I don't want to live just like the Queen... I want to get married, to have some children, to be happy and don't worried with enemies hehehehe.
    Kisses Aline
