domingo, 26 de abril de 2009


This week a new low started in two cities, Itapura and Ilha Solteira, in São Paulo; the curfew. Young people who are until 13 years old, have to be at home at 8:30 p.m., young people who are until 15 years old, have to be at home at 10 p.m. and young people who are until 17 years old have to be at home at 23 p.m. In accordance with the judge and the responsible council, they did it to protect the young people to commit and to have crimes and violences. According to them, in 2008, 250 cases happened in this region involved people of this age. This new low started a big controversy. The most of parents agree with it, but the young people do not. The excuses are the same; “we were talking with our friends and forgot the time to go home…”. To parents, this low is nice because they will have theire childrem at home on time. But, do they need to have a low to have theire childrem at home? Should not be the responsible of take care children of theire parents? I believe many parents do not know where theire children are and it can be a problem because they can get envolved with drugs, alcoholism, robberies and other things. Of course, it does not happen with all young people who go out at night, but it happens. Especially at night. Some specialists agree with it because they think that it is to protect people; others, do not agree because they see it like something which takes off young people’s freedom. What about you? What do you thing about the curfew?
By Evelise

sábado, 18 de abril de 2009

Go back to University

After four months of holiday. We are back to University. I’m very happy to meet my classmates again.
I finished last semester very worried, because I wasn’t learning English. So I decided to change my course, but in the holiday I thought again, so I decided to study one semester more.
Now I’m looking for a different and efficient way to learn English. I think that my big problem is to speak, because I get very nervous and embarrassed, however I know that the most affected person is myself.
In this semester I expect to study more and to use television, music and other things to help me. I wait to find what my problems are too and straighten them. I want to ask more and to miss the fear of speak.
I believe that all it will change when I get mature and change my attitudes like university.
About the subject I am absolutely sure that it helps all students to grow up educationally, to become good professionals in the future.

By Aline

sexta-feira, 17 de abril de 2009

Expectations of 2009/01

I have a lot of expectations of English classes this semester and I am going to tell you about them.
At first I heve to change myself. Change the way that I do somethings. For exemple, to write. I think I need to be more patience when I am writing, especially texts like the learning logs and tests from last semester, where I did a lot of mistakes. I have to pay attention in what I do and the way that I do it.
Another think which I want to change is to speak more English in classes. But to do it, I have to lose the fear of speak among people. I think that is because I am shy and sometimes it is difficult to speak even in Portuguese. I know that to be fluently in English, I have to speak more. This semester we are going to have classes which we will speak about Linguistics subjects and I know that it is not going to be easy for me.
Maybe the most expectation that I heve this semester is finaly to learn the “Present Perfect”. I have a problem with this tense. The problem is not about the structure but to know when to use it. It is very difficult to me realize the situation of this tense. It is not a new problem to me because when I studied at Unisinos I studied “Present Perfect” and I did not learn it. So, I want to underestand it this semester and send this “gost” away.
By Evelise