sexta-feira, 17 de abril de 2009

Expectations of 2009/01

I have a lot of expectations of English classes this semester and I am going to tell you about them.
At first I heve to change myself. Change the way that I do somethings. For exemple, to write. I think I need to be more patience when I am writing, especially texts like the learning logs and tests from last semester, where I did a lot of mistakes. I have to pay attention in what I do and the way that I do it.
Another think which I want to change is to speak more English in classes. But to do it, I have to lose the fear of speak among people. I think that is because I am shy and sometimes it is difficult to speak even in Portuguese. I know that to be fluently in English, I have to speak more. This semester we are going to have classes which we will speak about Linguistics subjects and I know that it is not going to be easy for me.
Maybe the most expectation that I heve this semester is finaly to learn the “Present Perfect”. I have a problem with this tense. The problem is not about the structure but to know when to use it. It is very difficult to me realize the situation of this tense. It is not a new problem to me because when I studied at Unisinos I studied “Present Perfect” and I did not learn it. So, I want to underestand it this semester and send this “gost” away.
By Evelise

9 comentários:

  1. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.

  2. Nice text Evelise! I think the speaking it's a problem to many of us, including me.
    Just a tip: in the fourth line you wrote: "be more patience", I guess the right way is patient or you can say " to have more patience".

    Kisses :)

  3. Hi Evelise!

    Every change demands effort, that's for sure. But the most important thing you have: you want to and you know what to change. So, go ahead!

    And it's very nice to see other colleagues being part in this process, just like Júlia did. I would also indicate the change of "fluently" (adv) into "fluent" (adj) and suggest some quick review in order to adjust some spelling problems.

    Very nice start. Keep on the right track! ;) Cheers!

  4. Hi Evelise! Alejandro writing!
    As Julia also said, that's something we all need to do, it is difficult for us to speak in public and certainly in front of our colleagues.
    I think we all need to learn that we will be wrong sometimes, and accept that in a way to improve our speach! :)

    As you said, we all need to be more patience when we are writing, it takes time and we need to verify if what we wrote is good!

    Congratulations for your post, it is really nice! And don't worry, if we all help each other we will improve together!

    Just a thing I notice, you typed several times "heve" instead of have. Be careful with that! It is nice to read our text once we've finished, so we can find some errors that we don't know we do them when we are writing! :)

    Cheers and see you next week!


  5. Hii Evelise!! =D
    First of all: congratulations girls for the blog's design!!
    Now, about your text, I want to say that you are going to have a big improvement because you could detect your problem and this is a very good step to have success in anything.
    If you need, I'm here to help you. As Alejandro said "don't worry, if we all help each other we will improve together!".
    Kisses!! See you! :D~

  6. Hi girls I'm trying to make this stuff work but it seems to be not correct.

  7. Evelise!
    I feel afraid and ashamed to speak among people too and that sometimes can help us [or not :P~]. With the creation of the Blog maybe we can improve the practice of writing in English and also to gain patience. Kisses Bianca ;)~~

  8. Hi, Evelise! I have some problems when I need to speak English too. I prefer to speak in my bedroom. But we can improve it. You are not alone in this fight.
    See you!

  9. That's it, you are not alone!!! ;)
