domingo, 26 de abril de 2009


This week a new low started in two cities, Itapura and Ilha Solteira, in São Paulo; the curfew. Young people who are until 13 years old, have to be at home at 8:30 p.m., young people who are until 15 years old, have to be at home at 10 p.m. and young people who are until 17 years old have to be at home at 23 p.m. In accordance with the judge and the responsible council, they did it to protect the young people to commit and to have crimes and violences. According to them, in 2008, 250 cases happened in this region involved people of this age. This new low started a big controversy. The most of parents agree with it, but the young people do not. The excuses are the same; “we were talking with our friends and forgot the time to go home…”. To parents, this low is nice because they will have theire childrem at home on time. But, do they need to have a low to have theire childrem at home? Should not be the responsible of take care children of theire parents? I believe many parents do not know where theire children are and it can be a problem because they can get envolved with drugs, alcoholism, robberies and other things. Of course, it does not happen with all young people who go out at night, but it happens. Especially at night. Some specialists agree with it because they think that it is to protect people; others, do not agree because they see it like something which takes off young people’s freedom. What about you? What do you thing about the curfew?
By Evelise

9 comentários:

  1. Evelise!
    I liked your text, a text very current and controversial.
    I believe this situation [curfew] can't to do much difference for who is "crook" but already is one beginning. Maybe can help boys and girls don't get into the world of crime. I guess it's no use to practice curfew and let freed other crooks in other cities. This subject "create much cloth to sleeve". I really liked your text. Kisses Bianca ;)~~

  2. Hi Evelise!
    I think these low is ridiculous, because in my opinion the parents are responsables and they have take care of their children, like you said.
    Maybe these low help the kids to be more careful and don't envolve whith drugs and other things.
    Your text is grate!I like it!
    see you! Ju.

  3. Hi Evelise!
    Congratulations! Very nice text!!
    In my opinion, this low is going to be a failure!!
    The young need go out to "discover" the world outside their homes!
    I started to go out for parties when I was 14 years old and I have never been envolved with drugs and I've never been robbed at night (but during the day I did).
    And for those who steal and take drugs, this law is not going to work too, because they always make a way to get what they want!
    And just to comment about some mistakes you did... In the other text you wrote, you did the same mistake, in both you changed "thing" and "think".. take a look at this!! ;)
    In the beginning of your text you wrote "childrem" more than once, but at the end you wrote it right (children), so I think you were just confuse!
    And pay attention in the writing of "their" because you put an "e" in the final..
    So is this Evelise!!
    Congratulations again! Great text!!
    Kisses!! :D

  4. Wow Evelise! I didn't know that new law!
    Well, Curfew is an interesting law, I think it's good from one point of view and bad from another, you know?
    I think that everyone should know the time to go back home, and everyone should know when they are doing something wrong, but as if it's not like that, guess it will do good.. The bad part is that that is taking off the freedom of young people, and that's wrong!
    I liked a lot your text, it is really nice! ;)

    P.S.: Evelise, please add me other e-mail so I can sign my comments autmatically, it is, you can add me from bianca and mine's blog, on the "Writers".
    Thank you, hugs and see you tomorrow!

    Alejandro :)

  5. Hey Eve I said already that I thing you're such an intelligent person.
    I also hear about this law.
    Two days ago I guess.
    It was too cool talk about something "new".
    Something that a current information.
    So please can practise reading and writing and keep up to date.
    Very well done.

  6. Hi Evelise!!
    Very nice your discussion.
    First I think that take care of children is resposibility of parents, but like not always happen, sometimes finish if becoming a public problem.
    I believe that if this curflew is good for the education of them(children), however that carry on doing.
    Kisses Aline

  7. Hi, Evelise. Good text. I think this law can help some parents. I know there are good parents and they know what it is good to their sons but this reality is not true for all parents. It is necessary to try. Who knows it can help??

  8. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.

  9. Hi Evelise! I watched the news about it and thought just the same as you did - Do we need a law to control that kind of thing? I think taking care of children is mostly a parents' job.

    Well, just some suggestions about your text: take a look at "THEIR" and "LAW". Also, You should use "according to fulano".
