domingo, 3 de maio de 2009

Worker's Day

Last Friday, we celebrated the worker’s day in Brazil. We celebrate it every year on May 01st, to remember the importance of people who help the world to develop and to improve. However, at present, we are living in a big world problem which is the unemployment. Every day other people are coming into this new world of crise and many of them are family’ parents. I believe that they are worried and suffering whith it because they do not know what to do from now on. Many of this people do not even have education and it makes getting a job very difficult. Besides, we can not forget that all this people have families to support. Imagine the suffering of this parents; they do not have conditions for giving food, clothes and other necessary things to their children and family members.
Now, do we think there is something to celebrate in this date?
I believe that many people who are employed do not celebrate it as a synonymus of “to be their day”, but they celebrate it because they are employed and are facing the crise. What let me worried about this crise is the violence. With this crise, many people start to steal, to commit crimes and other things to survive.
Do you think that unemployment can encrease the rate of violence??Do you meet somebody that is unemployed? How does he/she feel?I invite you the to think about this subject.

By Aline

4 comentários:

  1. Aline!
    Your text made me remember the 2005 year. I still lived in Bagé, but in 04/30 I was in Pelotas with my father and when I returned to Bagé I received the news: I got a job in Tterrasul [dealer Volkswagen]. Couldn't have better time for me to receive this "gift". But how I worked in morning and afternoon, the night I was very tired and I was studying yet. Was a very tiring pace and finally I had to resign. I had many jobs but always gave because other reasons, perhaps not so important. Ok! Told me a lot! I like your text and I think this subject it's very important for thinking [all of us] Kisses! Bianca ;)~~

  2. Hi, Aline. You are sure. Sometimes, the people doesn't have a job and they steal. This is a big problem. I think too the lack education is one reason why many people doesn't have a employment. Good text.

  3. Hello Aline, I liked a lot of your text, I had this situation after arrive from my exchange program. It's hard to deal with this, you have expectations, needs and so on. Lets try to find hope in our future, be close to our relatives and help when it's possible. Big hugs Pri

  4. Hi Aline and everybody posting here!

    In fact, unemployment is really a problem with many and serious consequences. And I agree with Nathielen that the more educated people are, the easier it is to have a job. However, sometimes even being educated is not a solution, as when we have such a deep crisis in world's economy.

    Well, a suggestion for everybody: review Aline's text and your own comments here and check what could be improved in terms of language accuracy, ok?

    See you around!
