domingo, 24 de maio de 2009

Amazing Grace

Do you know the song Amazing Grace? Probably you do. But, do you kow its History?
Around 1750, John Newton was a slave’s dealer. He used to pay the prisioners giving weapons, ammunition and liqueur to the tribe’s chief. Newton transported slaves in a ship so as others did. The slaves were tied to not to kill theirselves. Every ship trasported about 600 slaves. Every ship lost about 20% from its “human load”. When an outbreak of illness occurred, all the slaves were throwed into the sea. When they arrived in Europe, the slaves were negociated for suggar and molasses.One day, Newton was sailing through a storm when his sailor was throwed into the sea and he had to guide his vessel by himself. He said that, in this moment, he discovered how fragile was his life. Influenced by a religiuos book, he abandoned the slaves traffic, became a Christian and wrote Amazing Grace. John Newton died on December 21, 1807. He was blind at that time.
There is a movie called Amazing Grace, in Portuguese it is “Jornada pela Liberdade”, which is about Newton’s History. But not just about it. This movie is, in fact, about the fight for slave’s freedom. William Wilberforce was the main man in this fight to end the slavery. He faced the British Parliament and many British citizens who did not agree with the abolition of slavery. I am not going to tell you about this movie, but I recommend you to watch it, if you want. By Evelise

7 comentários:

  1. Hiii Eve!
    A piece of history to us uh?
    Very cool! Is good to know this curiosities of history!
    I have never heard this song so I searched for it on youtube and I watched a video of this song. It is really beautiful, I liked a lot!
    I will just point some mistakes I found in your text ok? I think they're just for inattention..
    *[Do know] -> [Do you know]
    *[He payed] -> [He used to pay] (What you put is right but I think you wanted to say that "he used to pay", just take a look if I'm right)
    *[armas] -> [weapons]
    *[to not to kill] -> [to don't kill]
    *(I searched on the dictionary and I found melaço's translation: molasses)
    *[hisself] -> [himself]
    *[bacame] -> [became]
    *[But not just abou] -> [But not just about]
    *[I recommend it to you watch it] -> [I recommend you to watch it]

    That's it Evelise!
    I'm sorry if I look hard, it's just to help all of you, and because I'd like to be helped too! =)
    I loved your text! Congratulations!! I could see that your writing skills is much better, you're improving a lot!
    Kisses and hugs for you!
    See you tomorrow!

  2. Hi sweetheart! :)

    You made want to watch the movie!

    Nice post!

    See you in class.

  3. Thanks for your comment Eve! I liked a lot! =D

  4. Hi Eve!!!
    Very good your post
    I loved the history!
    I don't know the song but I will listen!

    Kisses!!! :)

  5. Hi Evelise!

    Nice text! I just have some topics for you to review:

    - check the negative infinitive - it must be "not to kill" (not "not to not kill");
    - check the reflexive pronoun for "them";
    - Also, the past participle for the verb "throw".

    By the way, nice participation of Nairana and Evelise here. That's what collaborative work means!

    See you!

  6. Hi, Evelise!
    Good text and good history too. I don't know this song but I will listen to it.

    See you!

  7. Hi Evelise!!!!

    Very nice the history!!
    We never thought that behind of films, musics and other things there are a explanation.
    I haven't watched this film, but when I watch it soon I will see with other eyes.
    I like listening to historys, because I think that always there are good things that we can use in our lives.

    Kisses Aline
