domingo, 31 de maio de 2009


What is love ? According to Luft dictionary, love is deep affection, beloved person, care, tenderness and others meanings.
If we think where find love, we will realize that it is early always involved in all our relationships. For example, between friends, parents and children, families, animals and couples. Of course, love is representing of different ways according to relationships.
I would like to talk about the different ways of bring couples. In the past, young got married with a person who was chose for their parents, this choice was always a contract between families. After, in big cities there was a person called “matchmaker" who looked for beautiful, rich fiancé/fiancée and after sold his/her qualities, for others families, in other words, the marriage continued being arranged.
Later young people decided to choose her/his love. But in this moment arose one problem: Where do they find the princess or prince? So appeared the relationship’s sites like orkut, parperfeito and others. I think that these sites aren’t good places to find loves, because relationships are built in distance way, not to mention that information put in these sites can’t be confirmed. So, unpleasant surprises can occur. Besides I believe that personal contact is necessary.
You remember Adão and Eva’s history, that a snake got into of intermediate, like the relationship’s site for us, and finished their beautiful relationship and created a big problem for us (of course, for who believe). I used this history to think if intermediates are good to help in new or old loving relationships.
Today, besides of the sites there are marches. Many people organize single's marches, which help them to find boyfriends/girlfriends live. I think this march is a very funny thing. Hehehhehehe.
These are different examples of how to find a love.
Do you think it's interesting look for boyfriend/girlfriend in sites or marches?
Do you think that intermediates affect the loving relationships?

By Aline

7 comentários:

  1. Hi Aline!
    I liked your text!
    More and less, in fact...
    Because I wrote one text about love and I intend put the text in blog still this month, the next week exactly!
    Ok, I didn't find any mistakes in your text, but I don't know... Don't forget I'm a blind person iuahaiuhaiha...
    Kisses! See you! Nice text! Bianca ;)~~

  2. Hi Aline!!!
    Nice text! Well, about your question, yes, I believe that relationship's sites can help people to find a love, a friend, etc. But you can not to be blind, you can not believe in all things or informations which are written about people. We have to be careful in this way and chek what people say.
    Just some notes:
    "More late" - I think is "later"
    "puted" - it is a irregular ver and is the same in past, present and past partciple - put.
    "single's marche which help them" - "...marche, which helps them..." or "...marches, which help them..."
    " I think this march very funny thing.." - " I think this march is a very funny thing..." I gues it is better.
    That´s it.
    See you, kisses.

  3. Hii Aline! Very nice topic! Love is always a point that all of us have something to say. About the relationships' sites I don't like very much because my mother tried to get a boyfriend in that and she just got confusion, so, in fact, I dislike this option as a way to get a boyfriend/girlfriend. And about the marches I don't have nothing to say because I've never heard nothing about it, I just don't know how it works.
    About the intermediates I don't know, it depends on the case and on the kind of intermediate. Maybe it can works.. in my case, the intermediate was orkut but in a very unintentionally form, because my boyfriend used to play in a band and they needed of a drummer, so the guitar player found me at orkut, invited me to play with them and I accepted. After that Diogo and I started dating. hehehe

    So Aline, I found some mistakes on your text and if you need you can ask me about them later.

    *[representing] -> you have to put this verb in the past "represented".
    *[would like talking] -> after "like" and other words we can use "to talk" or "talking" but in this case, since the "like" is with "would" I think that is different, I think that you can't use "talking", just "I would like to talk". But I think is better if we ask it to Rafael or other colleagues because I'm not sure.
    *[for them parents] -> it must be "for their parents"
    *[this choice always was] -> I think you have to put the adverb of frequency always after the verb like: "this choice was always"
    *[Casamenteiro] I guess is matchmaker.
    *[the marriage carried on be tidied] -> what did you want to say with this sentence? It is complicated to understand.. I think that you wanted to say this: "the marriage continued being arranged"! Am I right?
    *[for find loves] -> Here you need to write "to find loves" because the verb is in the infinitive form so you put "to" instead of "for".
    *[not to mention] -> I think it will be much better if you write "without mentioning". I think that "not to mention" isn't right! What do you think??
    *[couldn’t be confirmed] -> Don't you think that the verb "can" have to be in the present here? Like: "can't be confirmed". The way you wrote is right but I think that in this context is better to say what I proposed.
    *[finished the beautiful relationship them] -> [finished their beautiful relationship]
    *[for think] and [for help] the verbs are in the infinitive form so you must say "to think" and "to help".
    *[them find] -> I'm not sure if this is wrong but I would suggest you to write "them to find" for the same reason that I wrote above.
    *[how find a love] -> The same case of the last one "how to find a love".
    *[Do you think interesting] -> I'm not sure if what you wrote is wrong but I would write "Do you think is interesting".

    That's it Aline! I would suggest you to confirm these notes with the teacher because I'm not sure, ok?
    Kisses for you, passionate girl! ;)

  4. Hi, Aline. Good subject.
    Your explanation and your examples were very good (marches and Eva's history). I think you can know some people in the internet, for example: to talk in English. But I think it can be a bit dangerous if you want to have a relationship. However, each person knows what they can do with their lives.
    See you.

  5. Hi girls!!!
    Thank you for your comments and corrections!!


  6. Aline I guess is very harder to succeed in this kind of "research" but it's not impossible. And it's probably easier fot a specific people. The shy one or the one who are tired of being hurt. And then start lookinf for the same caracteristics.

    Your text is much better than the others.
    Beleive me!!


  7. Hi Aline
    I liked your text!
    I think the relationships changed very hard, it's a good subject and we can talk many things about it.
    see you girl!
