segunda-feira, 22 de junho de 2009


Today, I am going to talk about a movie which I watched a few times; Freedom Writers. This movie is based in a true history which happened in USA. I do not know why but I like movies based in true histories, maybe because it is reality, it happened and if it worked in that movie and it was real, it can work with us. What I want to say is that, sometimes someone says “it is impossible” but than, someone apears and does it. So, the story.

Erin Growel is a young teacher who starts teaching to a class which is cosider very problematic. They are consider losers and dangerous because of their social conditions and because some of them belong to gangs. Anyother teacher wants to teach them. The students are from different ethnic groups: Jews, Negros, Easterns and Latins. This difference apears in class because each one just talks and stays near a person who is from the same ethnic group. Some times a person from one group offends another group’s person and they argue or fight and Erin sees that it can becomes a real problem. So, she decides using literature to work on it. She chooses a book which talks about prejudices and racism; Anne Frank’s diary. She also buys a notebook to each one to write their own experiences. The students start reading this book, and they start writing their own diaries too. Reading this book and their diaries, they can compare their lives with Anne Frank’s life. When they start to realize it, their lives inside the classroom starts to change. They get more understanding and tolerants of each other.

Well, I won’t tell you all the movie because Rafael will be mad with me, he does not like to know the end of the stories. I just want to say that this movie shows us how lives can be changed in school if we can see our students as people who are able to do something. If we believe in our students, they will believe in themselves.
But, we are not heros. Erin got divorced and started working in a shop and in a hotel to pay the books and diaries which she bought to the students. Not everyone wants to leave their families. I think that it happened to Erin because she was alone, she was the only one teacher who was helping the students. By Evelise

5 comentários:

  1. Hi, Evelise. Well, I liked your text. First, because I really like to watch movies and second, I thought this movie very interesting.
    I will try to watch it.
    I think when you like what you do you can use your imagination and change a lot of things. But it will happen if you really like of your job. Sometimes the people has a good salary but they wanted to have other work, to do other things. It is a big problem.
    See you!

  2. Hii Eve!
    Wow, that's a great text! I loved it! And the movie seems very good too, I'm anxious to watch it!
    I like films based in histories too, it becomes more real, I don't know.. hehe
    And I'd like to watch this movie also because it is about classroom and I think that everything that we can know about classrooms and students is very good for our career. All knowledge is never too much! =)

    Take a look on some mistakes you did:
    *"cosider" ->"consider" But I know that it was just for inattention.
    *"anyother" is missing a space between the words.
    *"it can becomes" -> "it can become" because here the main verb is "can" so you can't flex the next verb, you know?
    *"the only one teacher" Here I'm not sure but I guess that you should choose one of the options "the only teacher" or "the only one", I don't know why, but I have the impression that both together isn't possible.

    That's it! Congragulations Eve! Very good! =D

  3. Hi Evelise!!!!!!!
    This film shows that we can't lose the hope.
    there are problems in all places, and the school is one these. I think that we as future teacher have to find interesting ways to attract attention of students.
    very nice this film and your text.
    Kisses Aline

  4. Sorry ... The correct sentece is the school is one of them.

  5. Hi Evelise,
    I think I've never seen this movie, but I remember "Dangerous Minds" with Michelle Pfeiffer,it's a very good movie too.Do you remember? Have a good videoclip called "Gangsta's Paradise" in these site:
    Maybe you like movies based in true histories because in the most of them have a good end.
    I like this kind of movies too, and probably is because of the good ends.
    See you!
