segunda-feira, 15 de junho de 2009

Limit: Who have to impose?

I begin my text making two questions. What do you understand for limit and impunidade? and Who is responsible to impose the first and don’t tolerate that the other happen?When I think in limit comes a question in my mind: Where does it begin? I think that the limit, without doubt, begins in the family with the parents, through a structure based on: respect, affection and responsibility. So the parents have to teach their children that their right goes until the other’s right starts. Do you understand this?Giving limits to the children isn’t rigidez and repression, but affection and protection. Some times is necessary you to say the word “no” with a good explanation, even when it seems to be easier to say “yes” for it doesn’t frustrate the children or to prevent possible disputes. Children that don't or didn’t have frustrations and do what to want, don’t know limits and mainly the respect. So it is necessary to give limits, if you don’t give it is possible that they believe that there are not rules and obligations. Probably they will be people that don’t accept the “no” that the life can impose. So they have big changes to break the social rules and come future alcoholics, drug addicts, corrupts or dangerous people.Apart from home there is other place that has the role to educate: the school. Do you agree with this? According to studies the teachers must demand respect of students with all the people and don’t accept any way of discrimination and violence. Besides in both places, we need to have punidades for mistakes made.I think that freedom can’t be mixed with liberalidade.Parents and teachers are responsible to raise and to educate individuals that will go to exert the citizenship with responsibility and respect.Do you agree with this union to educate young people and children?
By Aline

3 comentários:

  1. Hi, Aline. I don't know if you wrote this text. Because you did not put the name. But it is ok.
    I think the parents must say "no". This is necessary. You can't run away it. Besides the school helps in this subject because the children stay a long time in the school and with it, the children can learn some things like, respect in relation their classmates, teachers. They need to live with other people. So the school is like a bridge to society.
    Good reflection.
    See you.

  2. Hi Aline, wow, nice text! I always get amazed by your creativity, I would never think of writing about something like this, though I think a lot about it!
    I agree with you on most points of view you point here. It is true, the first thing we need to know, is that we must respect other people and really understand that our rights go until where other people's rights start. That's is really the way people should be educated, today we see a lot of children (and teenagers) who think are God just because their parents don't educate them and give them all they ask and I think that is wrong. I also agree with you when you said it's a matter of eduaction at home and at school also, one complements the other!
    Well Aline, as Nathielen said up here, I also think this is a good reflection about something real!

    I saw two things which I think may be changed:
    you wrote "some times" instead of sometimes on the 5th line (depending on the size of your screen) and you wrote "so the parents have to teach your children", hehe, I think parents should teach their children, not ours! Hehehe
    Hugs mate, see you tomorrow! ;)

  3. Hello friend!!
    I agree with you, for me it is necessary the people have limits, this is the only way to them live in society.
    The family is responsable to the child's education.

    I loved your post!!
    Kissesss :)
