domingo, 31 de maio de 2009


What is love ? According to Luft dictionary, love is deep affection, beloved person, care, tenderness and others meanings.
If we think where find love, we will realize that it is early always involved in all our relationships. For example, between friends, parents and children, families, animals and couples. Of course, love is representing of different ways according to relationships.
I would like to talk about the different ways of bring couples. In the past, young got married with a person who was chose for their parents, this choice was always a contract between families. After, in big cities there was a person called “matchmaker" who looked for beautiful, rich fiancé/fiancée and after sold his/her qualities, for others families, in other words, the marriage continued being arranged.
Later young people decided to choose her/his love. But in this moment arose one problem: Where do they find the princess or prince? So appeared the relationship’s sites like orkut, parperfeito and others. I think that these sites aren’t good places to find loves, because relationships are built in distance way, not to mention that information put in these sites can’t be confirmed. So, unpleasant surprises can occur. Besides I believe that personal contact is necessary.
You remember Adão and Eva’s history, that a snake got into of intermediate, like the relationship’s site for us, and finished their beautiful relationship and created a big problem for us (of course, for who believe). I used this history to think if intermediates are good to help in new or old loving relationships.
Today, besides of the sites there are marches. Many people organize single's marches, which help them to find boyfriends/girlfriends live. I think this march is a very funny thing. Hehehhehehe.
These are different examples of how to find a love.
Do you think it's interesting look for boyfriend/girlfriend in sites or marches?
Do you think that intermediates affect the loving relationships?

By Aline

domingo, 24 de maio de 2009

Amazing Grace

Do you know the song Amazing Grace? Probably you do. But, do you kow its History?
Around 1750, John Newton was a slave’s dealer. He used to pay the prisioners giving weapons, ammunition and liqueur to the tribe’s chief. Newton transported slaves in a ship so as others did. The slaves were tied to not to kill theirselves. Every ship trasported about 600 slaves. Every ship lost about 20% from its “human load”. When an outbreak of illness occurred, all the slaves were throwed into the sea. When they arrived in Europe, the slaves were negociated for suggar and molasses.One day, Newton was sailing through a storm when his sailor was throwed into the sea and he had to guide his vessel by himself. He said that, in this moment, he discovered how fragile was his life. Influenced by a religiuos book, he abandoned the slaves traffic, became a Christian and wrote Amazing Grace. John Newton died on December 21, 1807. He was blind at that time.
There is a movie called Amazing Grace, in Portuguese it is “Jornada pela Liberdade”, which is about Newton’s History. But not just about it. This movie is, in fact, about the fight for slave’s freedom. William Wilberforce was the main man in this fight to end the slavery. He faced the British Parliament and many British citizens who did not agree with the abolition of slavery. I am not going to tell you about this movie, but I recommend you to watch it, if you want. By Evelise

segunda-feira, 18 de maio de 2009


Piratini is a small and calm town, situated in the south of Rio Grande do sul. This name is of tupy guarany origin and mean: noisy fish.
Piratini is knew for its history, because it was a of the cities used as scene of farroupilha war, that represent latterly in the independence of state, acquaintance as “Revolução Farroupilha” in 1836.
At present it is knew to be the First Capital Farroupilha.
When you walk for streets you feel come back to past. In all place you relive the feeling of have pride to be gaúcho.
In Piratini there is a museum where find guns, clothes, furniture, papers, pictures of the a story that never to get out of our minds.
Besides, all years Piratini commemorate the “Farroupilha Week” in September, that is for remember the history of people that fight to achieve its independence.
Today Piratini lives of turism and the wood’s companies.
Some are the reason for peoples like living here. Here it is calm, has little noise, the children and adults can walk without any problem at night. All people know one another, the neighbors talk and change things.
The big problem of Piratini is the distance of Pelotas, its city closer. Besides, asphalt road have had big potholes, that finish making to get round difficult.
However when you can come to visit us visit.

domingo, 10 de maio de 2009

Morro Reuter

Morro Reuter - or just Morro, as we call It - is a small Town in Serra Gaúcha. It became a municipality in 1992 and It is situated among Dois Irmãos, Ivoti, Picada Café, Nova Hartz, São José do Hortêncio and Santa Maria do Herval. Its name is Morro Reuter because of the founder’s last name, Reuter and because there is a very high hill too, Morro. We call this hill Morro da Embratel because there is a tower of this company. Many people from many different places come to Morro da Embratel because of the view. When the weather is sunny, we can see many cities of Vale dos Sinos. The place is very nice, it is clean and is easy to get there. The problem is that some people can not to see the garbage cans, which are big, and they throw the garbage on the ground. I like Morro Reuter because my family and friends live there, because it is a very calm Town and I almost know all people who live there. If I want to go out alone at night, I can do It. The negative part for who wants to go out, for example, to parties, is that Morro Reuter does no offer many options to do it, so people need to go to other cities. But I do not see a problem in do it because the other cities are near Morro. So, what I wanted to do, was to show you why I like so much to travel to Morro.

domingo, 3 de maio de 2009

Worker's Day

Last Friday, we celebrated the worker’s day in Brazil. We celebrate it every year on May 01st, to remember the importance of people who help the world to develop and to improve. However, at present, we are living in a big world problem which is the unemployment. Every day other people are coming into this new world of crise and many of them are family’ parents. I believe that they are worried and suffering whith it because they do not know what to do from now on. Many of this people do not even have education and it makes getting a job very difficult. Besides, we can not forget that all this people have families to support. Imagine the suffering of this parents; they do not have conditions for giving food, clothes and other necessary things to their children and family members.
Now, do we think there is something to celebrate in this date?
I believe that many people who are employed do not celebrate it as a synonymus of “to be their day”, but they celebrate it because they are employed and are facing the crise. What let me worried about this crise is the violence. With this crise, many people start to steal, to commit crimes and other things to survive.
Do you think that unemployment can encrease the rate of violence??Do you meet somebody that is unemployed? How does he/she feel?I invite you the to think about this subject.

By Aline